How to Use Our APP

Register on our app by filling in some basic personal information

Make an appointment by choosing from a list of online doctors and selecting the date and time available

Make a payment to instantly confirm your appointment

When it’s time, enter the waiting room and start your consultation

After your consultation ends, just sit back and wait for your drug delivery in 4 hours. Click consultation records and view delivery status if you wish
Telemedicine can be a solution for anyone that wants to have their time and health right under their control, but it’s particularly suitable for:
Telemedicine can be a solution for anyone that wants to have their time and health right under their control, but it’s particularly suitable for:
Your safety net for kids
There are signs that your kid is unwell but you are unsure about the symptoms and whether he needs more medical attention? You are also hesitant about bringing your kid to the clinic during a time when COVID-19 is spreading? All you need is to visit our online speciality doctors so that you can get assurance, medications, and a good sleep tonight. Besides “Dr.Google”, here comes the richest children’s health database and parent community to be built by us.
No more stress for caregiving
We know you often need a lot of support trying to bring patients with difficulties to travel to reach the nearest hospital or clinic. It stresses you out when you have to think about how to convince your grandpa to leave home to see a doctor for consultation or regular checkup, and actually bring him to the clinic which might not be close to your home? With the help of our service, you can arrange your loved ones to meet a doctor for consultation without having to travel and be exposed to the risk of infection.
Regular check-up done without having to travel
Chronic illness patients are required to access their chronic medicines on a regular basis, often only to refill their repeat prescriptions. Is there an easier way to arrange a regular check-up? Yes, there is. With telemedicine service, chronic illness patients no longer need to travel a long way just to refill prescriptions.
Telemedicine Service
Your safety net for kids
There are signs that your kid is unwell but you are unsure about the symptoms and whether he needs more medical attention? You are also hesitant about bringing your kid to the clinic during a time when COVID-19 is spreading? All you need is to visit our online speciality doctors so that you can get assurance, medications, and a good sleep tonight. Besides “Dr.Google”, here comes the richest children’s health database and parent community to be built by us.
No more stress for caregiving
We know you often need a lot of support trying to bring patients with difficulties to travel to reach the nearest hospital or clinic. It stresses you out when you have to think about how to convince your grandpa to leave home to see a doctor for consultation or regular checkup, and actually bring him to the clinic which might not be close to your home? With the help of our service, you can arrange your loved ones to meet a doctor for consultation without having to travel and be exposed to the risk of infection.
Regular check-up done without having to travel
Chronic illness patients are required to access their chronic medicines on a regular basis, often only to refill their repeat prescriptions. Is there an easier way to arrange a regular check-up? Yes, there is. With telemedicine service, chronic illness patients no longer need to travel a long way just to refill prescriptions.